Ten and Sixpence

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The Rabbit loves Godiva

Post 26 June 2012 By In letterpress
Letterpress stationery for Godiva Letterpress stationery for Godiva Ten and Sixpence

Last week, we received a lovely letterpress commission to print stationery for the divine chocolatier, Godiva. Our letterpress was glistening with metallic gold ink ready to print their logo onto soft 100% cotton card, matched up with some yummy looking chocolate brown coloured envelopes. I couldn't resist doing a little experiment on a black envelope after the print run was...

finished - how striking the gold ink looks on black - I must think of more uses for black and gold stationery!

What a lovely treat it was to receive some Godiva chocolates afterwards - even Mr.Velvet's managed to snaffle one straight off the table when I wasn't looking, that rabbit has very discerning taste. I'll be keeping the box well out of reach from now on!

Letterpress gold on black

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