Ten and Sixpence

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

Post 19 April 2012 By In inspirations
beeline illustrations beeline illustrations Ten and Sixpence

After watching Sarah Raven's fantastic series, 'Bee's, Butterflies & Blooms', I decided to start working on a self-commissioned 'save the bee' campaign to try and highlight the plight of our bees and to hopefully encourage others to do some small easy things in the garden that will help get Britain buzzing. It's easy-peasy stuff like growing some herbs (bees love herbs like rosemary and sage and it's pretty handy for your kitchen too!), making sure when you buy plants that they are 'bee friendly' (believe it or not, not all plants are great for pollinators!) and perhaps sowing a few wild seeds.

Practice what you preach! I have been implementing all these little things in my garden (where I have also welcomed a cute little bee house) and I have to say, already my garden...

is buzzing, it's really quite noisy(!) and it feels nice to know you're doing a little bit to help these very important insects. How does your garden grow?

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